Shopping & groceries
Just downstairs there are several banks (with ATMs), cafes and many restaurants (mainly on the next street Str. Macedonia). I recommend Metanoja for caffe/tea in the morning/afternoon, it's a cafe/bookstore, and next is a fine shop for Italian cheese and prosciutto Bottega del Gusto, they are located at the end of your street (Maksim Gorki) and the main street (Vasil Glavinov).
Just across the main street are a grocery store (works on Sundays from 2 pm till 12 am), exchange office, market Tinex, pharmacy and various shops. In walking distance are shopping malls GTC and Ramstore (works on Sundays) and the Green Market Bunjakovec. City Mall and East Gate Mall are about 20 minutes' drive (all pined on Google Maps).
Some shops deserve a special mention...
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